Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Who was David?
What did he do?
Why is so much scripture devoted to him?

The pastor just started a series on the life of David,
and I realized that of all the sets of task cards I have....
No, David. 

There is so much for our students (and us)
to learn from David's life.
So I went to work yesterday to get this set of cards done.
Praying that these will help you as you dig in to David's life.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


You know manna,
God's daily provision for the children of Israel
as they wandered in the desert.

Manna is a word we use a lot at our house.
It's the word we use when things start to look too big,
when things get overwhelming.
God brings us back to the word, MANNA.

HE reminds us that HE's got it,
that HE's for us,
that HE will provide for TODAY and 
that the long haul is in HIS hands.

(I need the reminder so much that I made a little sign to hang in the house.)
My man was at work so I had to use (got to use)
my granddaddy's old saw <3 
Anyway, it's not about my little sign,
it's about remembering that I shouldn't worry about tomorrow,
I shouldn't be focusing on the big picture.
I need to be focusing on HIM,
trusting HIM for every step of the journey,
one day at a time,

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Do What We Can

So, there's a man who regularly bikes 
around our neighborhood looking for yard work to do. 

My man and I rent the house we are currently living in. 
Since this man had previously done some work for the lady who owns the house, 
he stops by from time to time. 
So far, every time he has stopped by, Steve has been home to talk with him, 
encourage him, give him a few dollars. 

But this morning, Steve was already gone. 
 I told him that he needed to talk to Steve when he got home. 

He went on his way and I left to run an errand and came back, 
but he was still on my mind.

 I was thinking...what am I going to do if he comes back? 
I don't have any money to give him. 
What can I do? 
(And yes, I will confess that I hoped he wouldn't come back until Steve got home.) 

But in those few minutes of silent questioning "what can I do?" 
I heard God whisper...."You could cook him breakfast." 
Ummmm, ok God. Honestly, maybe he was hungry. I don't know. 
But I quickly told God that IIIIFFFFFF he came back by and 
since I couldn't pay him to do any yard work, 
that I would cook him some breakfast. 

Not a minute later, he knocked on the front door. 
I went out and talked to him and yes I offered to cook him breakfast. 
He refused the food but he did take a gatoraid. 

Why am I telling you this???? 
Because, we can ALL do something. 
We may not even have to leave our house to do it.
We might not have money to give, but we all have something we can do. 
Praying that we all DO WHAT WE CAN today.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Little Bathroom Reading :)

Don't deny it, everyone reads in the bathroom.
Although many people no longer take the newspaper with them,
they do take their cell phones.

Because that's a common occurance for almost all people,
it makes sense to use it to your advantage especially 
if you are trying to get little people to practice their reading.
This is a picture of my sweet friend Karen's restroom at school.

Her philosophy is, 
"if you're going to sit in there for any amount of time,
we should put that time to good use!"

Yes, it's funny, but it's also genius.
Catch learning moments wherever you can!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Brand New Story.....

Teachers in my district are all heading back to school today,
and for the first time in 25 years.....I am not.
If I'm honest I have to say that I'm
a whole lot thrilled that I don't have all of that work
weighing me down,
but I'm also a little anxious
(wondering if I will have enough coffee money).

In all seriousness, the bottom line is #faithwalking.

At the end of the school year,
Steve and I felt like God was releasing me from full-time teaching.
So I turned in my notice.

While we have no idea what's next,
we do know that HE will let us know.

In the meantime,
I'm thankful to finally have time to focus on my writing
and my TpT business.

Today starts a brand new story for me.
I absolutely cannot wait to see how HE writes it.

"My calling is to press my face into the shoulder blades of Jesus 
so that wherever HE leads I will go." 
Margaret Feinberg

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ponderings of a Pirate Girl

If you've been following this blog for any amount of time,
then you realize that I have been hit or miss for the last couple of years.
I have really been trying to figure out what needed to be done with this blog,
what I needed to post and how often.

God finally made it clear to me this past week.

A couple of years ago, I started another blog, a personal blog
I wanted a place to just write and journal about what God was teaching me.
Since then, it has been a struggle to keep up with two blogs,
a full time job, kids, etc. (you know the list).

God showed me how keeping my two blogs separated
was like trying to live a double life.
I was trying to keep my business away from my personal reflections.
It just hasn't been working
(and with good reason).

So today is a new day.
This post comes with a warning that this page is changing.
This will still be a business blog,
featuring things from my TpT Store,
offering FREEBIES and tips,
BUT it will also be a place where my journaling
and devotions will pop up.

I pray that you will find something here that still works for you
and that will maybe be a blessing to you as well.
Blogging tips